Thursday, October 30, 2008

U.S. Invades Syria to Fight "Al Quaida"

The U.S. government and military took their "war on terror" to a new level today as they launched a raid in Syria which border Iraq.
What makes the military or anyone in the government think that it is alright to come across a soverign nation's border and lead an attack on people inside that border?
This is a very bold move for a military that has already worn out its welcome in Pakistan after a series of U.S. led raids inside its borders.

According to the article:
Syria has long been viewed by the U.S. as a destabilizing country in the Middle East, and in recent months Damascus has been trying to change its image and end years of global seclusion.

Do you see how the media tries to tell us that it is alright since the U.S. does not view Syria as a stable nation.
With John McCain promising decades of war in the Middle East and Barack Obama showing signs that he will continue our foreign policy against Pakistan and its neighbors, the U.S. should not gain any ground in the respect and likeableness departments in the next few years.

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