Wednesday, November 5, 2008

As Greed Rises, Green Economy Looms

The only color that the American people should be concerned with right now is "green." As more of that color escapes the wallet, more and more talk abounds in Congress about how climate change is leading us towards a New International Order.
It is no accident that the recent financial collapse occured to coincide with the new President taking over.
We are entering an era of "change" and it will have some of the largest changes ever to the American system.
The financial collapse had to happen. That is the most important thing to understand. The people would never accept either the "new world order" or the next round of taxation on the American people without a crisis that would make them do so.
Now, the global elite will be able to sell their new economic order to the American people in the form of a "climate change" economy or a "green" economy.
The next round of financial instability will have several factors or soultions attached to it.
One is carbon taxation. The Obama administration is more than likely going to endorse legislation that will tax the American people on their carbon footprint, in other words, a tax on life or breathing
Then, there will come the one-chile policies as the globalist scientists have already stated that one main cause for Global Warming is that there are too many people having "too many children." There will be a tax instituted on parents who have more than a set number of children.
Next, the American people will be merged into the new economy after the collapse of the old one. Instead of going into total receivership for the never-ending national debt, the United States and the Citizens here will be given the option of buying carbon credits from the big banks.
This is all in their plans. This is in the paperwork of the global elite. I encourage all to go research it. Now is not the time to lay down and get discouraged. Millions can be woken up to these attempts to circumvent national sovereignty if we can expose them now. It might be too late in four years.

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